Welcome to Victory & Vanity Family Hair Salon!
Our Services.
Victory & Vanity is a full services facility which means that it is not just a mere hair salon or just a barber shop, it is a little of both. We perform hair care services for men, women, and children of all ages. Please keep in mind that the business is in its infancy stage and is gradually maturing where we plan on adding more hairstylists and barbers of various backgrounds and capabilities which will lead to more services. The types of services currently provided at this location includes but may not be limited to the following procedures:
1. Razor cuts 6. Foil highlights 11. Waxing 2. Precision cuts 7. Perms 12. Conditioning treatments 3. Clipper cuts 8. Spirals perms 13. Up dos 4. Shampoo/style 9. Chemical straightening 5. Color 10. Ombré/ balayage
If a service is not listed please feel free to contact the shop for availability, and if there is a large need for a particular service we may add it on a permanent basis. To book your your appointment please call (352) 515-5865 or use this convenient online booking service by creating an account. If you want, we can walk you through the process or we can do it for you. We're here to help. You can also find information on our Victory & Vanity Facebook Site.
We want To Give Back To You Great Americans...
There is 10% discount for chemical services and 15% discount for other hair care services Year Round for those who serve or had served this great nation. Those who are authorized this discount include military members, military retirees, veterans, active and reserve law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMTs, and Paramedics. Clients must give a verbal notification prior to payment and present proper organizational or agency issued identification. We must ask for such proof, regardless if in uniform or not, prior to paying for a service in an effort to reduce fraudulent claims of status or due to possible stolen valor. The picture identification requirements to be presented for the special discounts include:
1. Military Veteran Identification- Veteran Health Identification Card [VHIC], any U.S. State or Territory Driver’s License or Identification Card with “Veteran” or “V” printed on it, or a recently expired military CAC card or DD 2 ID card; 2. U.S. Military Retiree Identification- Blue or Red colored DD Form 2; 3. U.S. Military Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard Identification- Active duty Common Access Card [white CAC] or Reserve/National Guard green colored DD Form 2; or 4. Fire Department, Pre-hospital Services and Law Enforcement Personnel- Employer/Agency issued Identification or badge.
Please be aware that there is only one discount per patron per visit authorized; thus, a patron who is a military reservist, a fireman, and a paramedic can only obtain a one 10 or 15% discount (based upon type of service) not a cumulative 45% discount. Our Philosophy on Treating our Customers is in the Name.
The owner, Laura Riley, has been a cosmetologist for 30 years and her dream has always been to open her own salon. Her dream finally came true in the opening of Victory & Vanity in September of 2018. Laura has always believed in and practiced the Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." She is driven to make sure that her clients are treated as she would expect another professional stylist to treat her is she had to receive the same services; thus, she lives for and enjoys every moment with her clients and prescribes to intimately listening to every customer's wants and desires by giving to them her undivided attention. Her service model is to treat every individual customer as a special project, where she collaborates with them to develop a blueprint of what they want, and then she executes a perfect build. She expects such ideologies and senses of warmth and humility to dwell in her staff's hearts and minds to ensure that there is a consistency in services provided to each individual client. This philosophy is further embedded into the business's name.
Part of our business name consists of the word vanity which is defined by Merriam-Webster as an "inflated pride in oneself or one's appearance." The word is synonymous with conceitedness, egotism, pompousness, pridefullness, self-admiration, self-conceit, self-esteem, self-glory, self-importance, self-love, self-satisfaction, and smugness. Though vanity, as well as these other synonyms, can be construed as depravity or even be considered sinful they really do not necessary have to be... It is our belief that customers should be able to look into the mirror before they walk out of our facility with a modest degree of vanity and euphoria about themselves---a feeling of overwhelming inner and outer beauty or handsomeness enhanced by our creative minds and skillful hands. If a client does not have these feelings then we have not successfully done our job of which we will modify our behaviors and strive to do better. However, when we provide services in an exemplary fashion the right to stand tall with a modest sensation of vanity is earned.
Victory on the other hand is the optimistic feeling that the customer achieves over their own personal adversaries, as a result of pampering themselves at the hands of our staff. Whether the adversary is as simple as having a bad hair day, someone being or saying something ugly to them, an uncomfortable argument with a close friend or love one, a ding placed on the door of that sweet ride, or some sort of let down or unfortunate loss our customers have to be able to come into our salon and be allowed to decompress in a judge-free environment with our employees treating them with empathy, dignity, and respect. In addition to providing a comfortable environment we further strive to provide each customer with high quality hair services. With all of that said, the final victory comes into fruition when our customers and their stylist or barber form a trusting bond and when those employees gain an affirmative and upbeat feeling when they successfully provide hair care services the meet or exceed the client's needs and desires.
The Logo.
As it was alluded in the aforementioned philosophy section, service to our fellow Americans within our local Spring Hill and tri-county community, along with visitors to our area, is paramount. Although each individual community member is important to us we take a special exception to those who are always on the frontline, working in austere environments, operating day and night, and willing to give the ultimate sacrifice to serve all of us. Those brothers and sisters that make up this special group within our community include those who wear special uniforms which includes but not limited to firefighters, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, law enforcement officers, and the enlisted and officers of the U.S. Armed Forces (Active Duty, Reserve, Air National Guard, and National Guard). It was decided many years ago during the conception of Victory & Vanity that we would first honor the men and women of the great generation during one of the most arduous and lurid historic period of our young sovereign country, World War II. It was very important to Laura and her brother, Bobby, to honor our two late grandfathers Robert Woodrow McCumsey Sr. (U.S. Army) and Rex Lloyd Brown (U.S. Army Air Corps/ Army Air Forces) who served during that time period, as combat medics, with one serving throughout the Pacific and the other in North Africa and Italy. Bobby decided to design the company logo based upon the routine aviation nose art that was commonly painted on much of the various service aircraft throughout the different war fronts. Now we do want all of customers to understand that although Bobby chose an aviation theme, our respect, gratitude, and honor is directed towards everybody (not just the fly boys or girls), regardless of the color of uniform or the stripes, bars, or stars that you have worn or currently wear---you are all loved equally and unconditionally.
When one looks at Victory & Vanity's logo he or she may be a little perplexed at what it is and may ask to why did the owner select such an "odd" design. Well, there are roots to it all which can be told through symbolisms within its make up. The background is the metal skin of a B-17 bomber which displays the old nose art commonly recognized even by the youngest generations. Many people have a misunderstanding of nose art however and may consider this practice at times sexist but the underlying reason for it was not the case. During World War 2 there were thousands of American and allied force aircraft, as well as tens of thousands aircrew members, lost at the hands of our enemies, weather, during training mission, and at the hands of fabled gremlins (likely human error or equipment failure).
and includes the later World War 2 Army Air Force Blue Star Insignia which represents the World War 2 Era. The metal and nose art gives the male perspective of the barber shop portion of the family hair care services. 2. I placed the woman with a flower in her to represent the gals the pilots and mechanics (known as crew chiefs) to remind them of home and their women that left home during the war. This also represents the beauty salon aspect of the family hair care services. 3. You will notice that I place the 7th Air Force’s emblem on as well as seven Japanese flags presenting seven aircraft shot down by aircraft gunners, seven bombs showing seven successful bombing runs on enemy target, and seven ship sinking emblems showing successful anti-ship missions on the enemy. As you know the number 7 is a holy number because Genesis says that God rested on the 7th day. Moreover, the 3 groups of seven emblems represents the number 777 which can be contrasted against triple 6 (Number of the Beast as 666). I did this to represent yours and Brian’s belief and dedication to your Christian beliefs and honor of God. 4. I also added your name as the pilot Laura because you are the one that will be keeping the business on its successful mission to not only be profitable but also to conduct every customers’ required mission of a successful hair servicing. Brian is listed as the crew chief because he is in the background ensuring that the bird [aircraft/business] is properly maintained or serviced such as ensuring the accounting is being done, bills are properly paid, and facility maintenance is conducted. 5. And of course your businesses name is on the nose art just like any other World War 2 bomber or fighter aircraft such as the Memphis Belle.
Join the Team
Our business is If you would be interested in becoming employed with Victory & Vanity please go to the the application site.